There are three species of Forest Bat found in this area: the Little, Large and Southern. These bats are ‘under canopy’ feeders, whose diet consists of insects. Dams and creeks with open water are important as they attract insects, while providing bats with drinking water. The more abundant and diverse the native vegetation, the more insects will be present and more bats are likely to be found.
Healthy trees form the best habitat for these bats, as they like to nest in tree hollows and cracking bark. However, dead trees and logs are also important habitat and can be used as day roosts. Nest boxes can be used as a substitute where tree hollows do not occur.
Size: 40-50mm (Little), 40-60mm (Large) and 45-55mm (Southern)
Status: Secure (Little) & vulnerable (Large & Southern)
Illustration: Mark Trinham. 1st Photo: Trevor Pescott - Little Forest Bat. 2nd Photo: Trevor Pescott - Southern Forest Bat.